Blog Entries

High Earners and Homeownership: Why It’s More Than Just a Status Symbol

For generations, homeownership has been billed as the hallmark of the American Dream. However, for high earners, it can also be a way to reduce taxes, receive more favorable capital gains treatment, and invest in their family’s future. Below, we discuss a few benefits of homeownership that can have an outsized impact on households with …

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Giving Both Rewards the Soul and Benefits the Wallet

Ten Benefits of Charitable Giving for High-Net-Worth Individuals Charitable giving is an integral part of many high-net-worth (HNW) individuals’ financial strategy, not only as a means of helping others but also for the numerous benefits it offers to the giver. Here, we delve into ten benefits that underscore the importance of charitable giving for these …

Giving Both Rewards the Soul and Benefits the Wallet Read More »

United in Wealth: How to Become a Financial Power Couple

If you’re a high earner, you may be interested in partnering with someone with similar education, income, and goals. Becoming a financial “power couple” can help you both achieve your goals sooner. Because money disputes are one of the leading causes of divorce, finding someone with whom you’re financially compatible can smooth the path of …

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Wealth, Family, and Legacy: A Guide for High-Net-Worth Individuals in the Sandwich Generation

Wealth and estate planning are vital for all individuals but are particularly essential for high-net-worth (HNW) individuals in the sandwich generation. “Sandwich generation” refers to individuals caring for their aging parents and children simultaneously. Not only do these individuals have to consider their wealth management, but they also must plan how their assets will be …

Wealth, Family, and Legacy: A Guide for High-Net-Worth Individuals in the Sandwich Generation Read More »

Benchmarking 401(k) Plan Fees and Negotiations

The importance of employers engaging experienced 401(k) financial professionals   For employers navigating the complexities of retirement plan management, ensuring the competitiveness and reasonableness of 401(k) plan fees is paramount. As fiduciaries entrusted with safeguarding the financial interests of employees, employers bear the responsibility of prudently managing retirement assets and optimizing plan performance. In this …

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Understanding Today’s Private Health Insurance

Empower individuals to make informed decisions about their coverage   In the complex landscape of healthcare coverage, individuals often find themselves navigating the options of private and public health insurance. While public plans, such as Medicare and Medicaid, are funded and administered by the government, private health insurance is provided by private companies. Let’s explore …

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